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The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences :
Design of Knowledge-Based Efficient Speed Optimization Algorithm in Unplanned Traffic

Speed Optimization in an Unplanned Traffic (SOUT) is a very promising research problem. Searching for an efficient optimization algorithm to increase the degree of speed optimization and thereby increasing the traffic flow in an unplanned zone is a widely concerning issue. However, very few research works have been carried out on the optimization of the lane usage and speed optimization simultaneously. This paper presents a novel SOUT technique to solve the problem optimally using the knowledge derived by analyzing the speed of vehicles, which, in turn will act as a guide in designing lanes optimally to provide better optimized traffic. Also, base model estimates for different features like dimensional factors for the geometric design as well as different traffic control features are being adjusted by the accident factors. Knowledgebased analysis technique is applied to the proposed design and speed optimization plan. The experimental results and observations are quite encouraging.


Efficient speed optimization has been a challenging problem over the years. The primary objective is to provide safety as well as efficiency with the ever increasing traffic density in different highways with the increasing population density of the vehicles. This problem is becoming severe due to lack of proper planning to control the flow and efficient optimization of the average speed of the running traffic without compromising on the safety parameters. The primary objective of our work is to create predictive models for optimization of the speed of different types of vehicles in an unplanned zone, based on infrastructural design and traffic intensity. In this paper, the results of all transition points and lane transition of vehicles for speed optimization are discussed.


Computer Sciences Journal, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Business Operations Management, Business Process Mining, Finite State Machine, Transactional Information System, Genetic Algorithms, Decision Making Process, Data Mining Tools, Online Analysis Processing, OLAP, Artificial Intelligence.